Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy

Chiropractic in pregnancy focuses on the well-being of both the mother and developing child. As the mother and child progress, the nervous systems of each are very vulnerable to abnormal development. With added weight gain and hormonal changes, mothers often develop lower back pain, sciatica, wrist and hand weakness and a variety of other symptoms. 

Balancing the pelvis and obtaining proper spinal alignment during pregnancy can result in faster, easier labors with many mothers reporting a decrease in pain and ease of progression through each stage of delivery. 

Additionally, the integrity of a mother’s nervous system directly correlates to the lifetime potential of her unborn child.As the nerve impulses from a mother are limited through nervous interference, her growing child also suffers from decreased nervous function and can develop at a slower rate if left uncorrected. By returning the mother’s nervous system to 100% function, her growing child benefits and can reach optimal potential in-utero.

Common conditions relieved during pregnancy with chiropractic care
  • Low back, pelvis and leg pain
  • Sciatica and calf cramping
  • Ankle swelling and soreness while walking
  • Headaches and neck pain/shoulder tension
  • Wrist pain, numbness and tingling
  • Heartburn, indigestion and constipation
  • Insomnia and anxiety
  • Difficulty taking a full deep breath
  • Morning Sickness, Vomiting, Indigestion
  • Pubic Pain/Difficulty standing from a chair
  • Round ligament pain
  • SO much more!

Prenatal Chiropractic Adjustments

Often mothers are very curious (and Dad’s too!) about what an adjustment looks like for a pregnant woman. In this modern age, chiropractors have access to tables which are specifically designed to accommodate a growing belly. Traditionally a chiropractor would lie a mother on her side as the older adjustment tables were merely a flat, padded bench.

While side-lying adjustments (often called “side posture” adjustments) can be an effective method for low risk mothers, the prone (face down) position is much safer as there is no torsion or rotation introduced into the uterus. Lying flat either face up or face down is the safest way to protect baby and placenta from unnecessary torque.

Dr. Amanda’s adjusting table has advanced features like a hydraulic lift which raises the whole table up or down to facilitate the adjustment and trigger point release (see more about the Webster Technique here).  Her table also has mobile pelvic and thoracic segments which can be raised and lowered to provide maximum comfort as a pregnant belly grows. The table can be modified for 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnancies so your adjustment experience is comfortable every single visit.

In addition to the special pregnancy table, Dr. Amanda also uses an Activator adjusting instrument for delicate areas, including ankles, shoulders, ribs, pubic areas, knees and even the jaw.  With the introduction of so much relaxin hormone in the second and third trimesters, this gentle adjusting tool allows Dr. Amanda to provide relief to joints which have been stretched and strained due to a growing baby within.

Dr. Amanda’s Pregnancy table modifies to accommodate even full term bellies comfortably. Mothers often comment how relieved they are to be able to lie face down for a little while!

We use a special table which modifies to fit a pregnant mama in each trimester to provide maximum comfort.

Dr. Amanda Simone has been certified as a Webster Technique practitioner through the ICPA since 2007. She learned this critical technique from Jeannie Ohm herself, the President of the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association). 

To learn more, feel free to contact Dr. Amanda directly at, or schedule a prenatal session by clicking the button below.

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